Sunday, October 23, 2005


The alchemist - the book that inspires u to dream big and not just dream but pusrue that dream,,,,,,,,,
The book glides thru a plethora of thoughts and fundae to lead life ,,,,,,The protagonist is indeed someone whom one can look up to draw inspiration and the zeal to achieve what u want,,,,,,,,,,,
Initially on reading the book , it seemed like a book that was far from reality,,,,For after all how many of us have in us the courage to give up all the amenities and chase a dream having no
footing and is nothing more than a figment of our unconscious mind,,,,,,,,,,How many of us dream and believe in there feasibility.,,,,,,I have also dreamt numerous times of achieving something great in life ,,,,,but what remains on regaining consciousness is just a smile resulting on the mere thought of assuming myself in that covetous state,,,,,,,,,,,,,And thats what the story is about : If the mere thought can give u so much happiness then how wud it be to actually achieve ur dream,,,,,,,,,,,,,The moral and way is simple and unique,,,,,,,never give up , work towards ur goal but never forget ur past and who mattered to u ,,,,,,As the King of Salem said ,,," The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world,and never to forget the drops of the oil on the spoon"
But most of us shy off to pursue our dreams,,,,,,,we are one of the two kinds ; The first kind symbolized by the crystal merchant,,,,,,,who are monotonously carrying on with their lives with a secret dream ,,,The dream that is highly realizable ,,,,,,But are skeptical to achieve it for the fear that once it is achieved, they wud have nothing left to excite themselves to carry on with their lives ,,,,,,For Once we have met our ultimate goal , the life wud seem meaningless without any challenge or desire left ,,,,,,,
The other half are those leading a life similar to the early life of the protagonist : The knowledge that gr8 things exist in the world,,,,,,,,but those who are wary to give up this life of comfort , stability and ease to explore untreaded lands,,,,,,,,,,
Most of us undoubtedly populate the second dichotomy(including me),,,,,,,And this book is undoubtedly for people like us to introspect and weigh the importance of our dreams as compared to pithy comforts that surround us,,,,,,,,,What we find is that most of the times when we find that our dreams are not plausible we switch them,,,,,,,,we mould them according to our ambience and surroundings,,,,,Then what remains is not what we actually want to achieve but what can be
ACHIEVED ,,,,,,,,,,,Its not our dream that we pursue then,,,,,,,,,,,It is what is guided by norms and conventions and therefore results in the most hackneyed solution to our dreams,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Instead what we actually require is the endurance and the fanatic like will of the Protagonist to find the treasure ,,,,,,,,,,,,Our dreams might not be as momentous as the treasure or the protagonist's lady love but whatever they are , they are equally important ; for they are our dreams ,,,,,,,,,,,,,We might be mocked as the protagonist is mocked so many times,,,,but that is what will be our litmus test,,,,,,,and that will decide at the end how well can we achieve what we want,,,,,,,,,,,our persistence and perseverance,,,,,,Our will to holdfast to the actual dream without chasing the euphemistic versions of it ,,,,,,,,,,,,And as Paul Coelho advises us ,,,,,,identify the omens,,,,,,,,and perhaps writing this is an omen for me which has rejuvenated in me the importance of realizing my dreams and achieving them,,,,,,,,,,,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Words u chose are reflection of what v all..well keep writing..i read many of ur blogs, i find u write for self not for sake of blogging/hype..All d best