Sunday, October 08, 2006

"Tender twigs are bent and folded
Art to nature beauty lends;
Childhood easily is moulded;
Manhood breaks, but seldom bends."
A wonderful session reviving and taking us back to the lost childhood days,,, of the numerous mischiefs done, of the wonderful time spent, of the oblivious days spent,,,,
But among others, what it most reflected was the crux of the above lines,,,
The inimitable "Ego", the dauntless spirit, the veils of false self-efficacy that surround us, curbing the beauty, the "lovable core", the child within us and thus in turn manipulating the motif of creating we, the so-called most supreme creations,,,
But , The "I" within us encompasses all "Wes" ,forgetting that greatness lies in moulding urself, accepting others for what they are, not for what u want them to be,,,,
For we are like those little twigs to be shaped by nature to generate beauty,,,
Let this gudness within us be exploited, let us break free from the masks that we so cleverly put on,,
let for a day loose ur inhibitions, ur expectations and expectations from u,,, let for a day be child once again,,, laughing out loud, crying in pain,,, crystal clear in heart!!!!


aphrodite said...

wow....wondefully written....i so much want to live those days again..

Anonymous said...

Very well written and especially requird where you are right now. Everyone around you puts on a mask and deciphering what is truly being said or done, I am sure is almost impossible. Maybe I am being too cynical of the environment but we certainly should let our inhibitions go and rediscover that "Natural Child" in us all.

Unknown said...

Only a mature child can write this.