Monday, May 22, 2006

Let Me Be..

Let me be the moon , so frivolous and gay
Moulding its shape , that pleases its way

Let me be the winds that gush around
Jovial and free making beautiful sounds

Let me be the butterfly thats coloured so bright
Dazzling its beauty and pleasing our sight

Let me be that raindrop settled on the leaf
Radiating the sunbeams in seven colors for THEE

Let me be the river , so placid and serene
With moon and stars shining within me

Let me be the snowflakes of the first christmas fall
Eagerly awaited and desired by all

Let me be the Sunrise , showing new morns
To the lives of people , deprived for so long

And let me be the sunset , that will bring no pains
Only hopes of finding a new "sunrise" again

Saturday, May 06, 2006

I wish I was a Goldfish!

I wish I was a goldfish,,,,,with a 3s memory span,,,,,aloof of what lies in store and what i've lost,,,Enjoying every second for its own beauty,,,,thanking god for its existence,,,without going into the reasons of it,,

The present being the best,,,its vividity nothing but a semblance of divinity,,,every momentan aeon in itself,,,,something unique,unseen,unheard,unfelt,devoid of any signatures to compare it with,,,,the beauty, the innocence , the pain all exotic to that one divine moment........

The moment carved by ur ownself,,,,,the sky seeming new once again,,,the days afresh,,,,thefights forgotten,,,but the promises kept,,,,Neither The pain of seperation nor the anxiety to anticipate,,,,the time leading the way instead you steering it away,,,,,

But Holding no memories,,,,treasuring no gains,,,,u just live and die,,leaving neither memories nor pain,,,,U are to noone as noone is to you,,,,u r for urself in all that you do,,,